Sunday, September 18, 2022
LOT #362

Vinyl LP and Laserdisc Assortment

Over (600) albums of mostly opera and classical with examples from Scent of a Woman, Ned Rorem and Elisabeth Schuman

Estimate: $400 - $600

Hammer Price: $300

Dimensions: Height: 12 inches, Width: 12 inches (average)

Condition: Very Good to Fair, some items may be broken, scratched, missing / not in sleeves; not tested; most having previous owners name stamped on them

Disclaimers: not all items examined individually; we cannot guarantee operation, music quality or longevity

Shipping: Quote Shipping

Sales Tax: California (7.250%), Florida (6.000%), Georgia (8.500%), Kansas (6.500%), New Jersey (6.625%), New Mexico (5.125%), New York (8.875%), Pennsylvania (6.000%), Washington (10.500%)