LOT #130 - Thomas B. Griffin (20th Century) Oil on Canvas
Thomas B. Griffin (20th Century) Oil on Canvas
Estimate: $200 - $400
Dimensions: Height: 10 inches, Width: 14 inches (Griffin canvas)
Condition: Griffin having paint loss along the edges, polar bear having spot of paint loss bottom center, bird painting having three repairs upper left corner, Victor dog painting having paint loss along the edges, pastel having unevenness to the paper, frames having chips and cracks, Griffin having paint loss along the edges, polar bear having spot of paint loss bottom center, bird painting having three repairs upper left corner, Victor dog painting having paint loss along the edges, pastel having unevenness to the paper, frames having chips and cracks
Disclaimers: not examined out of the frames
Shipping: Quote Shipping
Approximate Sale Time: 11:10am (America/Chicago)
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