LOT #137 - Unknown Artists (20th Century) Oil Paintings
Unknown Artists (20th Century) Oil Paintings
Estimate: $200 - $400
Dimensions: Height: 20 inches, Width: 30 inches (sight, framed); Frame Height: 21 inches, Frame Width: 31 inches
Condition: framed painting having light abrasions, accretions and light dirt accumulation, frame having gaps at miters and light wear, unframed painting having areas of craquelure, occasional lifting and chips to paint, edge wear and light dirt accumulation, framed painting having light abrasions, accretions and light dirt accumulation, frame having gaps at miters and light wear, unframed painting having areas of craquelure, occasional lifting and chips to paint, edge wear and light dirt accumulation
Disclaimers: not examined out of the frame
Shipping: Quote Shipping
Approximate Sale Time: 11:01am (America/Chicago)
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